Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Cleaning your makeup brushes!

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I thought today I would do a simple makeup brush cleaning post, as you can probably tell from the title. Cleaning your makeup brushes is quite important, as using dirty makeup brushes on your face will spread bacteria and lead to greasy skin and acne which I'm sure nobody wants. I clean my brushes about once every two weeks, as I don't use them too often, but if you do use your brushes everyday or just feel like they could do with being cleaned a little more often, then that is perfectly fine. This is just how I clean my brushes, I'm sure there are many other ways or tricks to making your brushes seem good as new again, and anyone is more than welcome to share there tips in the comments section below. I hope you enjoy reading!
1. When cleaning you're brushes, you will need three things. A bowl of clean water, a towel ready to put all wet brushes on afterwards and a cleaner of your choice. You can buy brush cleaners from certain shops, but I normally use a conditioner or a dove body wash (Yes, I know its meant for your body and not brushes). Today I'm using Aussie Miracle shine conditioner.
2. Make sure your hands a little damp, before adding a drop of your cleanser on to the tip of your first brush. 
3. Carefully, start to swirl your brushes on to the palm of your hand, adding a little more water if you feel you need too. At this point, all the foundation or concealer or whatever else you used this particular brush for, should be slowly coming out in to the palm of your hand and your brush should be looking a lot more like its original colour. 
4. You can carry on swirling like this until you feel like most of the rubbish in the brush is out, then gently dip the brush in to the bowl of water. You don't really want your brush soaking wet, so it would be best to wipe the brush carefully up the side of the bowl, therefore draining the majority of the water out. 
5. Repeat this process on the same brush, adding more of your cleanser if you feel its needed before swirling it on the towel and gently drying it a little. 

6. You can repeat these few steps with the rest of your brushes, it usually takes me about 10-15 minutes  but of course it depends on how many brushes you have to clean. 
That is all for this blog post, I hope you enjoyed it! I have put a few pictures below at what my brushes look like after using this cleaning method just incase anyone wanted to see finished results before trying this out for themselves.