Saturday 21 June 2014

June Favourites!

Hey Everyone! Today I am going to show you all the makeup products that I have been using and loving recently. They are all drugstore products (except one) or whatever you want to call them, so they will be available to buy from boots and super drug at reasonable prices if you wish to try them out! I hope you enjoy! xx

So the first two products I want to talk about are foundations! The one on the left is from Lush and in the shade 'Light Pink', the one of the right is Maybelline's 'Fit me!' Liquid foundation in the shade '120, Classic Ivory'. Now normally, I would use only one brand of foundation on my face, but my skin is quiet pale and most of the palest shades in foundations don't actually cover that much on you're face. Well, my face. So I decided to go for one shade up from the palest colour and it did cover up A LOT more on my face, but I ended up looking a lot darker then I hoped for. I decided that instead of wasting more money on a new foundation, I might as well just mix it with another colour. Lush's colour supplement was my first foundation and so as I the colour was near enough perfect to my skin tone I gave them a little mix and voila! The perfect foundation for my skin and maybe anyone who is just as pale as me! These two mixed together provide lasting coverage without looking or feeling caked in makeup and I would recommend both products to use separately or together to any girl looking to try out a new foundation.

The next product that I have been loving is Seventeen's Stay Time concealer and I have it in the shade Extra Fair. This concealer is perfect for covering up small flaws that can sometimes still be visible under foundation or other makeup. It lasts all day which is good because I hate having to re apply makeup throughout the day. This concealer blends quite well with the rest of my make up and conceals spots and redness without sticking out or highlighting them. Overall one of my favourite concealers that I've used!

The next products that I'd thought I'd show you is Great Lash Maybelline mascara and No7's new Lash Impact mascara. Lash Impact mascara is by far the best mascara I've ever bought. It is non-clumpy and extends you're lash length clearly and neatly. If that makes sense. Great Lash took me a while to get used to as the brush is about half the size of any other mascara brush I've used before. After using it for a while I discovered that having a smaller brush is actually a lot more helpful as it gives a more detailed look on you're lashes. The smaller brush catches each lash individually and gives you're eyes a much finer and smoother look. I love these mascaras so much and recommend that when you are in need of a new mascara, buy one of these as they are absolutely amazing.


So the last product that I've been using and loving recently is No7 High shine lip crayon, in the shade 'Delicate pink'. I understand that the picture would have looked better if the top was still pointy, but at least now you can see I have been using this product a lot. The colour is pretty and long lasting with, as it says on the container, a high shine to it. It always gives my lips a moisturised soft feel which is lovely, as well as looking pretty. Lips crayons are perfect to carry around and there are so many pretty colours to choose from, can't wait to try some of their other lip products!

So that is my recent favourites. I hope you enjoyed reading and would now be interested in trying some of these products out yourself! Thank you all for reading! xx 
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Sunday 15 June 2014

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog! This blog is going to be dedicated to things like make up, hair, fashion and any other things that I feel like blogging about or that is requested. I thought I'd start with a 25 things about me so that you can get to know me a bit more, Hope you all enjoy! xx

1. My name is Lauren!

2. I was inspired by Zoella to start this blog as one day I would love to start youtube videos and so on.

3. I love singing and maybe would one day like a career in music!

4. I'm quite a shy and quiet person but probably a lot louder once you get to know me!

5. Summer is so close ahh

6. I live in England.

7. I really want to move to somewhere by the sea, like Brighton or Devon!

8. The fault in our stars is incredible and I can't wait until the movie comes out in the cinemas near me!

9. I am wayyy too jealous of everyone in America already crying at tfios. 

10. I'm not that interesting. Just putting that out there.

11. I literally had to google step by step how to put this altogether (As in my blog so far) so sorry if it looks a bit rough right now!

12. I spend half my life on my phone.

13. My favourite food is probably lasagna which is weird because I used to hate it!

14. I took near enough ALL DAY trying to transport the photo to the right place before asking my dad and managing to do it in about two minutes omg

15. My hair is blonde. Just in case you were wondering.

16. I love candles but can't light them very often as my sister is scared that I will set fire to something else accidentally! 

17. I over think. A lot. About everything.

18. One day I want to travel the world. 

19. I want to read The perks of being a wallflower, It's kind of a funny story and Eleanor and Park (Sorry pointless fact)

20. If I'm comfortable around you then you will probably find me a complete weirdo. But weird is better than boring, right? 

21. I really want to meet Zoe Sugg, Tanya Burr, Sprinkle of Glitter (Louise) and so many other youtubers. 

22. I have one brother and one sister.

23. My favourite drugstore makeup product thing is probably the lash impact No7 mascara as it is INCREDIBLE and really recommend any girl reading this to try it out immediately! 

24. For my GCSES I'm taking Music, Media, Catering, Spanish, Geography and then of course english, maths and science!

25. My birthday is 6th of February!

Hope you all enjoyed this!